Friday, August 21, 2009

Before My Head Explodes

Not being an "activist" doesn't mean not having an opinion. And, those closest to me know I do have several. :)

Some years ago, when sharing an opinion on consequences of drug abuse in the navy Keith Goosby told me "where you sit determines where you stand." I've thought about that a lot over the years and as a result I try to add context to my opinions.

Here's context (the short version)... I grew up in a single parent home. My parents divorced prior to my birth and my mother never did remarry. We moved a lot (not sure what we were running to or from) and her income potential was limited at best. On more than one occasion we lived in our car while she looked for a job, first paycheck and a place to live. I know hunger from a child's perspective which is why when our youngest son was once sent to bed without his supper I snuck him food to his bedroom! (Even today if the fridge and pantry aren't full of food it takes me to a bad place.)

I left home at sixteen and joined the navy at eighteen for a career that spanned over twenty-two years. Nearly ten years ago I started a business out of pocket and on a part time basis. With the support of my bride we've invested more time than anyone can imagine and it's paid off quite nicely.

All that to say this. I've had a belly full of people who find some moral superiority in espousing opinions that somehow the weak can be made whole by crippling the strong. That somehow they have the moral high ground by in the mistaken belief that it's OK to take the fruits of ones labor and give it to someone who has not earned it. It's so easy writing checks from someone else's checkbook.

Now, before you dismiss me as some uncaring and selfish son-of-a-gun let's dig a little deeper. Remember, where you sit determines where you stand.

First, let's do a little comparison. Vice President Joe Biden's tax return for 2008 is posted on the Internet - look it up. His adjusted gross income (AGI) was over $269,000. His charitable contributions totaled $1,885 or .7% of his adjusted income. In a moment of transparency I'll share that his AGI is about three times our family AGI and yet as an conservative individual I believe that charitable giving is basic for health on many levels. I do admit a certain selfishness involved. See, we get good feeling when we give to help others. Over 20% of our AGI goes to support things like our church, World Vision, the Christopher Collins Foundation, T.E.A.C.H., Shriner's, AMVETS, etc.

I'm incensed the the leader of the free world held a conference call with nationally known religious leaders to suggest that Christians are morally wrong if they don't support his health care agenda and conveniently takes up the "I am my brothers keeper" mantra. I'm here to tell you that you are NOT absolved of being your brothers keeper by supporting higher taxes on the rich (however they are defined this week). You are NOT absolved of being your brothers keeper by supporting any government program, no matter how pure the intention. You are your brothers keeper on a personal and an individual level - dig deep. Justice, social or otherwise, is not achieve by being unjust to another.

In deference to "Nobody Asked Me But..." I was recently asked "what would you say to a couple who both wait tables for a living and don't get health care from their employer." Here's a reality check, that industry is typically part time high school or college or a second income industry. Both spouses working in that industry is not smart and blaming their employer in that industry is less smart. It's time for some personal responsibility. I bet one or both of them have a computer and Internet access. The Internet is a great way to get educated and improve your value. Take advantage of it. Make yourself more valuable and get a better job with benefits.

Do you still think I'm calloused? Go back to the beginning and start over. I'm not extraordinary. I started with nothing and turned it into something. If I can do it anyone can. You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown when you don't get up. Stop blaming other people for your circumstances and change your circumstances!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That's one of the most honest refreshing posts EVER! I like it!!! But I 100% agree so that might be why HAH! ;o)

    Good to see you on Sunday, you looked well. Hope things are going super for you with home and business :)

    Talk later!
